Welcome to Brea Agility Dogz . . .
. . . otherwise known as BaDDogz, the home of friendly and professional agility training in Cornwall, South West England.
Photos courtesy of Chris Ellis Photography (left), www.fotomedia.co.uk (centre) and Julie Adams (right)
We hope you enjoy your visit to our site and finding out more about the sport of agility! We are renowned for our kind training methods and the fast progress that dogs who train with us make, whether you are a complete beginner or at competitive level. We would love to hear from you if you would like to join.
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To keep up to date, find and like us on Facebook, simply click the logo . . .
To book a place on our Puppy Socialisation Training Course or our Puppy Foundation Agility Course, please contact us: info@baddogz.co.uk. Call / text us on 07739 40 58 38 or visit our NEW dedicated puppy training website www.puppypals.co.uk
Agility for Beginners Courses . . .
To find out more about joining a daytime, evening or weekend Agility for Beginners Class, please contact us . . . info@baddogz.co.uk or call / text 07739 40 58 38. We offer IMMEDIATE starts, with no waiting list!!
What you can find on the rest of our website . . .
About Agility
Find out how agility all started, what equipment there is, what the grading structure is, how shows run and what you need to do before you can compete with your dog...all on About Agility
BaDDogz classes from Pre-Agility and Puppy Foundation Agility to Beginners, Graduate and Competition Agility!...check out our Classes
Training Methods
At BaDDogz we only use postive reward-based training that will make your dog a happy dog and you a happy handler... see our Training Methods
For how to join a BaDDogz class and details about our reservation list...see Joining
Members Pages
Where it all happens for our members involved in agility...news hot off the press, buying our merchandise, shows you can enter, results and achievements, for sale, lost dogs, rescue dogs, press releases and much more...all updated regularly...Members Pages
Photos of our members dogs having fun, competing or showing off their prizes...visit the BaDDogz Gallery
Find out how to Contact BaDDogz
Introducing our friends and services we use...see our Links
Dog Training and Behaviour . . .
If you would like more information on all aspects of dog training and behaviour, please visit our main dog training site...www.trudyswann.com
Contact Us:
E-mail: info@baddogz.co.uk